Tell us about it and score an Amazon gift card if we feature your product recommendation!

Just fill out this form. Share your product recommendation. Hit send. If your product is chosen, we’ll follow up via email for pictures.

You could score $10 just for telling us what you LOVE!

Submit your favorite products that you can't live without (anything from groceries to personal care and beauty, clothing, electronics, household items, baby products and more). If your recommendation is selected, we’ll reach out for pictures, and we’ll even send you a $10 Amazon gift card to say thanks!

We expect a ton of submissions, so for your best chance at being selected please consider these tips:

  • Submit a product you know, LOVE, and own (we’ll likely test out the product ourselves, and if you’re chosen, we’ll need 5 pictures from you).  
  • Submit your recommendation via the form on this landing page (no emails please).  
  • Tell us all about why this product ROCKS!  
  • Send only one product recommendation per week.

We’re so excited to share your cool finds with others! 

Important Note: Any correspondence with Hip2Save or submission of content to Hip2Save, including documentation and images, is considered property of Hip2Save. Hip2Save reserves the right to reproduce such content, in whole or in part, and to use it in any manner, including allowing third parties to republish the material. In submitting something to Hip2Save, you are representing that the content belongs to you, does not infringe on any third party’s rights – copyright, trademark, privacy rights and the like – and is not libelous or unlawful in any other way.

Want a chance at another Amazon gift card?!

If you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share, this is for YOU! Every Friday, we post one photo, submitted by a Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into their frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile.  

Check out some recent Happy Friday posts HERE! If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card! We can't wait to hear from ya!  

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